Accidental blessings.

Have you ever done something on a whim? You just felt like you were supposed to do it. Then you did it and you couldn’t pull your jaw off the floor because the thing you did fulfilled a need and was the miracle someone else needed? I hope you have. There’s nothing like it. Nothing.

First let me share with you my complete humanity . I was in a grocery store shopping at a particular table when a person “invaded my space”. She was almost standing on top of me and when I turned around I screamed “you scared the hell out of me!” She looked at me with such judgement.  I had to laugh. Later I shared this minor event with someone and I said “I wanted to tell her that I know and love Jesus, not to judge me because she scared him too”! Lol!

Ok now back to the story. The past few months have been amazing,  it’s like sleep walking in a different dimension and waking up to a miraculous event .

The following may sound crazy, but I’m convinced that God is crazy. From giving away a teddy bear to a child in a coma and they wake up, to preparing too much food and someone shows up in time to eat their favorite food , to giving away a bedspread, curtains and pictures... Jesus has been guiding me into supernatural experiences.

The dinner. I cooked a special dinner for my mom and I, but I literally cooked twice as much as I should have. So I asked God to show me who the remainder went to. I left it out as I wasn’t sure whether to freeze it or what.

I was selling something online and this lady showed up to buy it. I felt compelled to show her around the house and share with her the canvases of visions I have on my walls. Before she got ready to leave I asked her (a total stranger) if she’d had dinner yet? Turns out I had made her families favorite meal. I gave it to her and she cried all the way home because she had asked God to give her a friend because someone had been very cruel to her children. Everything was still warm. She texted me that her children loved the meal and that she had been extremely blessed.   Sounds simple, I had no idea a stranger needed a hug from Jesus., a sweet reminder that He was listening to her heart. I think we’ll be friends for life. I can’t say that I did anything but listen and obey. Maybe that sounds like false humility, but from where I stand there are no words to describe the overwhelming feeling of love God has for another person when I see him use my hands to do it.

I went through my house and gathered all my black and white decor and a matching bedspread. I washed everything and put them in bags. Someone told me about some people who were preparing rooms for people to sit and be in God’s presence. I thought to myself “why in the world would they want black and white?” There were black and white pictures of bridges and flowers and peaceful quotations. The person that delivered the items almost couldn’t fit everything in her car.

Honestly I thought to myself “ who in the world would want a bunch of black and white pictures and a black bedspread set? But I prepared it and sent it. I got a call from the recipient asking me how I knew that she had a plan to decorate an entire floor in black and white? There’s enough there to do an entire bedroom and decorate an entire floor. Why?

Is God that crazy to lead me to collect so much black and white, use it then give it away years later looking as if it had never been used? It was washed and ready to go. I can’t imagine how his mind works, can you? I had such a drawing to fill my house with black and white, then a sense that the “black and white “ season had come to an end. God provided me with a different color scheme desire so I waited to see who the recipient was of my investment.

Could I know any of this? Could I have planned to collect things for years, prepare then and give then to a place that had yet to be built? Never in a million years! But God so loved that he gave. He provided for me to purchase these beautiful items. I washed them and waited and they fulfilled the desire of someone’s heart towards ministering to other people.

What do you have in your possession that you’ve held onto for God’s purposes? Open your heart and hands and wait for further instructions. Back to the item I was selling. I prayed and knew someone needs it, but who? The person that cane had a need for the item so she could do her job. I bought that item years ago and rarely used it. She’ll use it every day!

I just had a thought. When Jesus said he’d bless your storehouses,.. could this be what he meant? Are we looking for blessings from the wrong perspective? It is better to give than to receive. May God bless your storehouses so that someone else’s prayers will be answered. It’s overwhelming!


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