Do you believe you have favor?

I'm going to tell you a couple of stories (real life events) then pose two questions "Do you believe you have favor ?" and "How would you live differently if you did believe it?"

First story. I met a young lady that needed a new robe, slippers and pajamas. What she had was "well used". So, I found out what sizes she wore and said, "Okay Lord, what are you going to do?" I then went to Walmart (Did you know that God uses Walmart?) lol. I walked around and guess what I found?

They had a robe in her favorite color, they had bedroom slippers just like her (dead) ones and they had pajamas in the right size and they were all on sale! The robe was $3.00!!!! Nothing was more than $3.00. When I gave them to the young lady she said, "God really loves me." I said, "Yes he does because I told him what you needed and asked him what he was going to do about it and ....tada...this is what he did."  There was something else this young girl needed and I felt impressed to look for it and guess what? It was on sale. So, I told her "You know, you have great favor with the Lord. Every time I ask the Lord to bless you he takes me to a sale!" She laughed. I don't think she really believed me.

A few days later she was going for a job interview, I told her, "you know you have favor!" She got the job!

If you think that's amazing wait until I tell you the next one. This will blow your mind. I will not use names because I have been unable to ask permission to tell this story. So, we're not going to invade on that persons privacy, but the story must be told.

This young woman has made a confession over her life since she was a little girl. "I am a child taught of the Lord, great is my peace and undisturbed composure. Rebellion is far from me all the days of my life. I am a blessing to all the lives that I touch, I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and not beneath. The angels of the Lord watch around about me keeping me safe and the blood of Jesus runs through my veins keeping me well. I have favor with God and Man". Please, make note of this and say it over your children and yourself and your grandchildren and well....anybody who needs it. It's all based upon scriptures.

It seems that has she believed what she's been saying. I've watched her life and my jaw has continually hit the floor. I am honored to know her.

She worked for a retailer and they would continually give her the worst possible store in the worst possible location. She'd turn that store into a number one store. Every single time! That's not normal.

One time she and her husband needed to sell their house. She also was helping her father sell his house. Two houses to sell in a market that was in a slump. "Sure that's going to happen, right?" She sells both houses at the same time. She closes on both houses at the same time. She loaded up a truck and drove to the realtors to close on her new house, drove the truck up to her new house and unloaded it!!!

She needed a new car. There was nothing wrong with hers, her children were growing and she needed an CSUV.  She didn't look for one. She didn't go to a dealership to find out what her car was worth. Nope...she just went grocery shopping. When she came out of the store there was a note on her car... "I'd really like to buy your car!" I am not making this up! She sold the lady her car and bought the one she wanted.

This young lady believes that she has favor!

Oh, this is not just a one time thing. Her latest adventure is mind boggling.

Her company was re-thinking it's purpose and she felt like it was time to move on to a different company. She'd been with her company for 13 years. She'd taken every challenge they gave her and turned it into a miracle. Why on earth wouldn't you let someone like that "rule the world"?

In answer to that question... you do know that 26 publishers denied Dr. Seuss? The 27th one.... he became very, very rich. Read my blog (are you number 27).

So, she goes to interview for another company and guess what? They hire her, but she has to start working in less than a month. Just enough time to give notice to her current job, her husband to give notice to his job, her to get her house on the market to sell and move her belongings to ? She literally did not know where or how it would happen. Courage or insanity?

The day came when she and her husband were supposed to head for the new location. The house hadn't sold. They had one more day before they had to leave. Guess what? The house sold! It will be closing at the same time as the new one she's buying!  She believes that she has favor!

Now get this. They were traveling through the mountains with a trailer that probably had seen better days, full of their belongings. She was a bit concerned about it because it was as if the tires were screaming "Get off me!"  They got down the road and the axle snaps on the trailer. Did the car flip? Did the tires blow? Nope. They just pulled over. Now what, right?

They just "happened" to be right by a Uhaul dealer. They went to this dealership and asked if they had the trailer that was the right size. The guy says, "No, we don't keep those size trailers here." Then he says, "oh that's right, someone dropped one off yesterday." (Not kidding).

They headed to their new location and guess what. They will put the offer on the new house. They will get the new house, then her new job is flying them to San Francisco for a seminar....she doesn't have a house, she's going to work for a new company and she's going to San Francisco while she waits for everything else to come through.

Now, you may read this and say, "Wow! She's really blessed. " Yes she is, but do you realize how difficult it is to walk in this world like that? How many of us could pack up one house, without having an other house, plan to leave when they have no where to go, and drive to a city where they don't live yet to take a job with a company that they haven't been working for for 13 years?

Honestly, I could not do it. I trust the Lord, but my nerves are shot! Has it been difficult? Of course. Things like that just don't "happen" to people. BUT....she absolutely knows that she has favor with God and man and although the journeys are fraught with "adventure" she knows that her Father God has made her a promise to give her favor.

Now, do you believe you have favor? What would happen if you really believed you had favor?

I used to think "Wow, she has favor, wow that other lady has favor." Then I started to notice something, I have favor. I mean, who buys bad ink that destroys one printer, buys a new printer, returns the ink and breaks even?"  Somebody with favor.

I encourage you to print out the "confession" and say it over yourself, teach it to your children and grandchildren and just sit back and watch. This ought to be interesting. Please let me know what happens in your life and please share so others can receive encouragement. God is really, really amazing!


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