Abortion; misinformation

This is not a political opinion. These are statements of fact. Please share this information so women can make an informed decision regarding a very private matter.

I’m talking about abortion. I’m not talking about right or wrong. This has nothing to do with the freedom of choice. I do not intend to preach a sermon. My goal is to enlighten you to information you may not hear from someone else.

I understand the male perspective on abortion. Men often see a child as a burden, an interruption in their goals and plans. It’s easier for a man to walk away from an abortion.

But a woman... it’s a very different story. A man can not feel that baby move inside them. Men can not comprehend the side effects of an abortion. What do I mean about side effects?

I’m not focusing on physical reactions. My focus is to inform you of what happens to most women after an abortion. I heard one Dr say that it was like “water under the bridge”. It passes, it happens, it’s over. Or is it?

I have spoken to women who have experienced abortion. I’ve seen women cry when they went through the process. I’m not judging this is merely information.

One woman couldn’t forget hearing the baby scream during the procedure. Another couldn’t cope with and was unprepared to actually go through labor only to deliver a lifeless child. To most men abortion is a convenience, but the experience of most women say that it can create post traumatic stress syndrome . Why? Men say it’s a simple procedure.

I would like to look at abortion from a different perspective. Abortion is control. A man that wants to control a woman has no problem with a “fetus” being terminated. That’s how most men see abortion.
I dare to say that if a man that has fathered a baby went into the room with the woman he got pregnant the thoughts of abortion would change. If a man wants to give a woman the “gift of choice” then he should be with her when she makes that choice.

If a man can go through the process of aborting his own flesh and blood then I argue whether than person is a man at all. Let him watch the procedure, let him hear his child scream, let him experience labor only to produce death. Then let him talk about it as a choice.

Every woman I’ve met who has had an abortion is never the same. Men don’t talk about grief. They don’t talk about recurring nightmares, they don’t talk about loss. They talk anout convenience.

Will he be there for the woman who can no longer bear children because of an abortion? Will he be there to suffer when she wakes up with the screams of that helpless infant? Will he hold her as She trembles at the thought of what just happened to her body.

Few people talk about the hormonal change a woman goes through during pregnancy. Her body is creating a life within her. One side effect that gets little attention is “postpartum depression “. This is the bodies way of expressing trauma. It’s physically demanding to go through labor. It’s the closest most women will cone to death and still live.

With a healthy pregnancy the body expects to have something to hold, something to comfort her, she is giving part of herself to another individual. The trauma of not holding that infant will influence her biologically. She will grieve. She will regret. She will not forget.

I pose the idea that if a woman chooses to have an abortion that the man that created that baby must be with her when she chooses to end the natural process of birth. He must witness the process and feel the emptiness. He must experience the grief and he must participate in the emotional and physical trauma that woman will experience for the rest of her life.

Abortion is rejection. It is interrupting a natural process. If a man perceives that what he does today contributes to “global warming “ he must face the horror of a life without a life. I do not personally know one woman who has gone through this process unharmed. Her body will not forget being pregnant, her emotions will not forget the cries of that still born baby. Her hormones will not “bounce back”. She will be forever changed.

If a person is going to have an abortion, please tell her the entire story. Let that man experience it with her. Then talk to the world about it being just a choice. Please share your experience. Tell me how easy it is. Your arguments will never convince me. Your political stand means nothing. Experience it for yourself and tell me if your basic humanity survives. I need to know. Because the women I’ve cried with and grieved with can’t talk about her experience.

If abortion is as simple as a choice then let it be an informed decision for both parties involved. Abortion is a very personal issue. Be informed should you choose to end the life of a child so that a man is not  inconvenienced.  Slavery: an emotional bondage that one may never be free from. Emotional hell. Talk to me if you’ve come through an abortion unchanged.

If it’s a choice be bold and tell the world how that choice changed your life for the better. Please educate me. I want to know so I can council other women who make that decision. Maybe it isn’t about wrong or right in the world today. But consider the consequences that will last well beyond that decision. If you choose to end a life then boast about how that decision made your life easier. I really want to know the rest of the story.


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