Coming out of a coma

As stated in my previous blogs, I was in a coma for 5 1/2 weeks. There are some things I just don't remember. However lately, those memories, albeit fuzzy at times, have been coming back to me. Some are really funny and some are not. Sunday I awoke from a dream. It was beautiful. I was married and I was calling my husband by his nick name and my children were running around playing. It was beautiful. But, then I woke up...nobody was there. It was really hard to recover from that.

To say I miss the grand moments and the laughter that once was my life would be a gross understatement. But before I go there let me just tell you that it's now safe to drive on the road. I am home.

Why do I say that? Well, it's late and I'm tired. It's been an exasperating day at work and I've been making growling noises at a computer all day. So, when I headed for home my car was fogged up because of the cold. Normally, the first thing I do is reach for my glasses. Although I can see the computer screen and people well enough to recognize them (shh...don't tell anyone..) I can not see well enough to drive.

So, I was driving down the road and the windows were not "de-fogging" so,  I thought to myself, "wow, it usually doesn't take this long to de fog the windows." Suddenly I realized .. it wasn't fog, I just couldn't see... Uh oh! I quickly put on my glasses and realized that all was well with the world once again.

Okay, so I have had some funny memories pop back into my head and I thought I'd share them with you. This world can be a dismal place and the news and television can be like a really bad soap opera. For example. I haven't watched the news in weeks. Just haven't had time. I catch a few things here and there, but pretty much I live in the present. I don't have my head in the sand, just too busy... in a good way.

Anyway, I used to watch soap operas. Yes, I admit it. Then I missed a few shows. I tuned in a few days later and guess what? They were still in mid sentence where they left off. I gave up on soap operas after that.

Life has been like that lately. I've been busy living and missed the news. Well, today someone "caught me up." Guess what? Same song, second verse as the saying goes. Not much had changed. I mean, there was drama and intrigue and then everything went back to "normal" (whatever that is).

Anyway, on to good memories.

I was thinking back to my wedding. It was beautiful. For some reason I created an amazing southern style wedding. I have no idea why. I'm from California. Anyway, I envisioned my dress and a seamstress created it. It was beautiful. The shoulders were puffy and lace was everywhere. The train must have been a mile to speak....the veil... I didn't have one, well, I actually had a hat. Yes, a wedding hat with a veil. My creativity didn't stop there either.

I had the bridesmaids dresses made as well. I had two blond bridesmaids and two brunette bridesmaids. Here's how organized I was.... So, the blond bridesmaids wore blue bridesmaid dresses. They had hats and parasols. The brunette bridesmaids had peach colored dresses, hats and parasols.

Like I said, not a bit of southern in me. But my husband to be was from the south. I guess I wanted the romance of the south but in southern California. Our wedding was in Palm Springs. The groomsmen wore blue tuxes and my husband to be wore a white tux. He was so tan that the kids didn't recognize him when they looked back at our wedding pictures. They actually said, "Mom, I thought Dad was your first husband?" I said, "he was." Well, who is that Mexican man in the pictures in the white tuxedo?" I had to laugh. You see, I was trying to be southern for him and he was trying to be "Californian" for me. He had worked for weeks on his tan. It was a sight to behold.

The church was absolutely amazing! We got married in Palm Springs, California in was August and I made my groomsmen wear blue tuxes... it was probably about 110 degrees in the shade. But oh it was so romantic...until one of my groomsmen fainted... Oops, my bad.

It's amazing to look back and see how much people really loved me. It was insane. Thank you to those of you who were there and enjoyed the "insanity" of a southern wedding in Palm Springs with a tan man who was not from California and a "Southern bell" who knew nothing about being southern.

Where did we go? Well, Disneyland of course.  So, the tradition was for the  bride and groom to choose one gift to open on their wedding night. Our one gift was a big box. It looked fancy and interesting.

We made it to our Disneyland hotel in a borrowed Cadillac Limo and  arrived  in our spectacular room. Xman decided to turn on the tv while he waited for me to get "beautiful". Or something like that. Because I had chosen a nightgown to take with me and it was beautiful. I mean, I spent the night before the wedding ironing my nightgowns. Someone please stop me! So guess what was playing on TV? Not making this up....the story of "Adam and Eve!"

Oh, it gets better. Guess what our present was? A hot dog warmer....not kidding! Sleep well and laugh often!


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