Good intentions

Have you ever felt like something in your life needed  to be fixed? You think you’ve found the perfect solution only to look around and notice that everything you cared about is missing?

I just graduated from 9 weeks of intense training. My goal: make an income so I don’t run out of money, pay off debts so I need less money to meet my financial needs. All good plans, great goals, but the price.. giving up time with family and friends, feeling isolated and alone, depression, anxiety, exhaustion, inability to create... is it worth it?

Today I drew a picture. It’s one that someone else envisioned, but I just “ had “ to draw it. There was a little girl and Jesus was walking in front of her clearing a path through tall grass.  As the little girl traveled behind him she got distracted by a swing set and a teeter totter and some birds and the wind and she started heading toward what looked like a better path.

Suddenly she turns back and she’s lost the path and sight of Jesus. She stops and the trees are no longer beautiful, the birds end up being vultures and the swing set and teeter totter are all grown over with weeds.  She tries to find the path and gets lost. She’s Stands in the middle of her “perfect” place only to realize that she’s alone. She stops and cries out to Jesus. She gets a glimpse of  the path he had already cleared for her, but she can’t get to it.   Jesus makes his way to he and simply holds her. He went out of his way to find her. She still feels lost so He just holds her.

He still has a path, he’s still clearing it, but the path is not as important to him as she is to him.  So he pauses, puts down his tool and holds her. She’s waits to feel safe to move forward and he is her peace until she finds that path again.

Do you ever feel like that? Your heart and intentions are good. You feel like you’re accomplishing something wonderful. Then you look up only to realize you’re alone.
I hope you will hear these words. Jesus is more concerned with your peace than he is your progress. Just let him hold you for a while.  The path will become clear again and he’ll restore life and meet your needs. Just hold onto him for a while.  I am.


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