Wealth or just a good idea?

Deuteronomy 8:17You may say in your heart, “The power and the strength of my hand has made this wealth for me.” 18But remember that it is the LORD your God who gives you the powerto gain wealth, in order to confirm His covenant that He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. 19If you ever forget the LORD your God and go after other gods to worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish.…

I have given this scripture much thought. I’ve heard people say everything from giving God all the glory for everything positive that you do. Yes, that is true. I’ve also heard people say, “It wasn’t me.””  I agree with both views to a degree. 

What about pride? Again. Remember pride is assuming who you are without proof. Confidence is knowing who you are and who you are not. I must know who I am in Christ and who I am not on my own.

Today I’d like to put a little twist on this verse. God definitely gives the power, the idea, the wisdom to get wealth, but what if we never do anything about it? Is that power decreased? Well, yes and no. God can’t get the glory if I don’t act on His power to get wealth. So, what is my part?

My part is to ask for wisdom, to seek His face, to check my heart, to find out what he’s given me the power to do. I can’t just sit back and expect him to do it for me. I have to be a participant. So, in reality God gives ME the power to get wealth, but if I don’t put action to it, nothing will happen.

HIs ability to bless me is lessened if I don’t participate. “Isn’t it a magic formula?” “Isn’t it a principle of God?” “Isn’t God all powerful?” “Doesn’t he own the cattle on a thousand hills?” Yes, absolutely. But he gave each of us the power to use our own hands to get that wealth. He gave us dominion. So, let’s use the example of God owning the cattle on a thousand hills. Well, he gave Adam an entire garden. It must have been huge because e had to name every species of animal, plant....every living thing.

Did God just make everything and say, “Adam, here’s the WORLD, just relax?” Nope. He said, “i have made these things and I give you dominion over these things.” then he told Adam to tend to the garden, to name the animals, etc and God met Adam in the cool of the evening. 

So, am I telling you that God gives us jobs? Absolutely! I need to find what he’s given me power to do so that He can bless it and get the glory from and for it. It’s his power, but it’s our hands. We have to take ownership of what He’s given us the power to gain wealth from, then its a gift to God for us to give him all the honor and glory for the power to get wealth and actually get wealth. God doesn’t use schemes, he’s a law giver.

He says that “If we don’t work, then we don’t eat.” I’ve heard many Christians quote scriptures saying that “God will bless me, God will provide!” But I haven’t heard enough sermons on empowerment and ownership.

My opinion is that God gives me the power to get wealth, but he will use what I have to get that wealth. I have to participate. Miracles happen because someone did something. 
 Abraham brought his wealth with him, We have to give God something to work with. 

Even in the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus had two loaves and five fishes to worth with.  When 
he turned water into wine, somebody had to fill the pitchers. What has God given you the power to do? Will you do it today and will you recognize that he gave you the power” Will you give him the glory? WIll you do the work that he sets before you? If so, then he will give you the power to get wealth and he will bless the works of your hands, but if you sit idle, don’t expect him to bless that.

Do what you can. it doesn't have to be something huge. If God has given you power to be a janitor, be a janitor and give him the glory for the strength to do the job. He gives us power, but we have to cooperate and give that power an outlet. I pray God’s blessings upon you today! I pray blessing on the work  of your hands, but I also pray that you will come to him in humility and give him the glory for extending his power into your life. Let him give you creative ideas and the power to fulfill the work he has set before you. 

If we participate, then he gets the gory. Nothing is free. Even salvation has a cost. It will cost you everything. It will cost you time, your talents, your dreams , your love and your heart. But, it is worth it! He never asks us to give without matching our gifts with his power. Find the power in your gifting today and give him the gory for every success. Ideas and actions are what he uses to give you the power to get wealth.

If you have an idea...go for it. It may be your source of income for a very long time to come.


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