Set free - same battles

 I was talking to the Lord about how wonderful he has been to me. I was telling Him just how wonderful it feels to be free of people’s opinions and how good it feels  to need only His approval.

Disclaimer... of course we must come under authority and humble ourselves to have reality checks through other people that have God centered hearts , but as far as anyone else determining how I feel about me? Not so much.

I asked Him to help me stay free. I asked Him to show me when I was falling backwards and looking for approval outside of Him.

Just because I’ve been set free doesn’t mean the rules of battle have changed. The same traps that got me where I was can take me back again.  I have to stay aware and listen to His heart.

I can honestly say that I trust Him now.  I don’t understand everything, but I don’t have to. I am aware of the traps and it’s my job to stay away from them.

People can be addicted to anything. People can be addicted to perfection, to the need to be right, to sadness, to trauma, to food, to other people , to the opinions and approval of others. Anything or anyone that controls how you live, think or act is an addiction. These things are actually false gods... uh oh... God, our Father, wants us feee. How can we love Him if we don’t know how to love ourselves. I do not mean being selfish or prideful. Confidence is not prideful, love is not selfish. I can’t give you something I don’t have.

So my prayer tonight was as a child. I said to the Lord , “ You Am, I is, and we ain’t gonna let anybody steal our joy!”

Peace to your soul.


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