Healthy people don’t need medicine

Jesus faced the phenomenon of people who thought they were healthy and didn’t need His brand of medicine,  He even stated that He didn’t come for the healthy. He came for the broken. He came for the woman at the well,(John 4:4-26) he came for the 10 lepers,(Luke 17:11-19) he came for the woman caught in adultery,(John 8:1-11) he came for 12 broken men that He called disciples. He interupted their brokenness and brought healing.

When Jesus recognized the brokenness of people they had a choice. Each of the people I mentioned recognized their brokenness and chose to receive from Him the thing they needed: Him. We have the same choice everyday. The Pharisees refused to believe there was anything broken about them. They were well in their point of view. They didn’t need Him.

There is no condemnation in Christ. If we don’t believe we are broken Jesus will not cross our boundaries and force His medicine upon us. He is a gentleman. He respects our wills. He gave us the ability to choose. 

He did go to those who believed themselves well and pointed out their brokenness, but they weren’t ready to hear it so they got angry and tried to stop Him. 

I know Jesus did not come for those who believed they were well,  but just imagine if those broken souls had taken a look at their brokenness and received revelation instead of offense.  Imagine with me what could have been possible if those men that knew every letter of The Word had recognized Him and let Him touch them. Can you imagine the power of The gospel in the hands of those who it was entrusted to? 

Are we brave enough to honestly look at our own lives? Are we vulnerable enough to see our own brokenness? We can’t hide it from Him. We can only hide our brokenness from ourselves. Others see it, Jesus sees it. Are we willing for Him to touch our brokenness or are we caught up in the illusion of perfection?

If a well person takes medicine it may make them sick. If a sick person takes the wrong medicine it will either make them worse or it won’t effect them at all.  

I just want to encourage you today as I too examine my own life and ask, “where am I broken?” “Am I willing to let Him touch me?” Or do I get offended at the idea of brokenness? Is it offensive to me to think that I might have problems? Do I get so wrapped up in the problems of others so I can  avoid seeing my own brokenness? Do I keep myself so busy that I don’t have time to see the pain in my own soul?

Don’t feel guilty. No. I think we see Jesus’s frustration with the Pharisees as anger. I wonder if we’ve misunderstood? Maybe He was simply concerned that those who should have recognized Him were so broken that they couldn’t see Him. They should have known Him. They knew He was coming. They knew what He would say and do. His Words lived inside of them, or did they? 

If Jesus lives in our hearts we know we need Him. If we just know His words and they mean nothing to us, they are of no affect. 

Let’s all be careful when we look at our own lives and decide we don’t need His type of medicine. We may need it more than we realize. If we recognize Him, if we recognize our own brokenness we will have compassion for the woman at the well, the lepers and the woman caught in adultery instead of rushing to judgement, anger and indignation. 

Dear readers, be vulnerable in His presence. If you know Him, let Him touch you. If you think you know Him, test your heart; does the suggestion of brokenness offend you? Does the brokenness of others cause you anger? Or are you  moved with compassion... not only at the brokenness of others, but by your own? 

Jesus is not angry with our imperfections. If He wanted to judge us He wouldn't have come to lay down His life to save touch us, to feel and experience our brokenness.  He looked it right in the eye and say, “I see you”. Can we be vulnerable enough to look back at Him and recognize that compassion, that love, His heart? 

He doesn’t want to judge us, He wants to help us. He wants to touch our pain and heal it. You see, the people who are well don’t need medicine,  but the sick will do anything to get it. 


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