Wonder Woman and The Invisible Man!

We all have good days and bad days. Some days we feel like we’re on top of the world and all is well. Unfortunately those days don’t last very long. I’ve had moments in my life where I felt like God and I were standing side by side and could win any battle come hell or high water.  Not like I was His equal, just like He was absolutely with me.

Some of those moments happened when I sang or played the piano. I remember one particular time when I was singing in Texas. The auditorium was filled. I didn’t need a microphone, the song just seemed to float from the bottom of my toes and out of my mouth. Not a moment of hesitation, not an ounce of fear, it was like magic.

I sang “Climb Every Mountain”, from the musical, .” The Sound of Music”.  I was singing to a group of people being being inducted into “Phi Theta Kappa”. They were about to embark on the road to their future. I had arranged the song so that every word was relevant. I was admonishing them to capture and follow their dreams. I felt like Heaven and Earth were one with my soul and every word was a call to action. It was the most amazing feeling. Other people felt it too. It was a moment that I long to repeat as a musician as many times as possible.

There was so much harnessed power. I can hardly explain it. The only other feeling I can compare it to is horse riding.  I've sung to the horses that had no hope. Their eyes were empty and their souls were nearly as destroyed as their bodies. My heart wept for them. However, those tears were not shed in vain.

I volunteered at a rescue ranch and the horses would come in and someone might have abused them, died or 'forgot' to feed them. It was horrifying. They probably felt like the invisible man. They had been forgotten, neglected or even worse, abused. I never knew who their previous owners were, thank God. My heart couldn't have taken it. Sometimes I would cry silently as I brushed their coats, let them know where I was at all times, work up to them trusting me with their hooves and their tails, trusting me to walk beside them and behind them where they couldn't see me. I'd put my hand on their back or wherever I was so they could "feel" me. They could hear me as I sang to them. Nobody was around, it was just us.

My wonder woman moment with horses was when they would gain weight, light would come back and renew their empty souls. Eventually someone would once again get to ride them and give them life. They weren't broken anymore.

Lincoln was like that. He wanted so badly to be invisible. He tried so hard to hide from me, from everyone. He was classified as a runner. Well, I could understand that. He'd try to hide when there was no place to hide. I understood that too.

Sometimes there are dark times in our lives and we fight for relevance. Sometimes we want to be invisible. Sometimes we just want to matter. It's a constant fight between wonder woman and the invisible man (hence the title).

However, there does come a turning point. With the horses it was the moment that someone could ride them again, the moment they gained weight, the light back in their eyes. They were remembered, they were relevant! Some of the horses would carry children as if they were china dolls. They would go out trail riding and the wind was their best friend. Life was good.

This impacted my soul greatly. I felt like I was a part of their purpose. I was a part of their heart beat.
I gained my relevance, I regained my own soul.

Lincoln's story is similar. I don't ride him of course...lol. He'd probably look at me pretty weird. But he will not go anywhere that he can not see me. He gets fed regularly, bathed regularly and touched regularly. He has his bed, his toys, he is relevant, He is super dog! No longer invisible.

Honestly I have fought for relevance in my own life. When you go to audition for a singing position and you are quote, "not what they are looking for." Or you write a blog and somebody gets angry with you. When you reach beyond your experience and breath anyway... those are invisible man moments.

So, what should someone do when faced with lack of relevance? I'm not sure that I have a good answer for that. I do know two songs that encourage me when there just doesn't seem to be any reason for how I feel. One song is "I hope you Dance." (Lee Ann Womack)  The other is "My Defender".  (Jeremy Camp)

So, let your horse ride, let your dog roam, let your soul  feel, set your heart free and for heaven's sake, don't waste one minute without dancing, even if it's in the rain!


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