Paper, plastic or metal?

Surely you’ve been to a grocery store where they asked, “ paper or plastic?” We don’t hear that question as much anymore.

Being vaguely environmentally friendly I ask for paper. Yes, but the trees! I hear you, but the earth has known what to do with trees from the beginning.

While I’m on the random topic of recycling, let’s talk about Margarine... I  heard that it’s only one molecule away from plastic. Human bodies do not know how to process plastic. Animals won’t eat it.
I had a friend do an experiment. She put margarine on her balcony. Animals, not even ants would eat it.

She put out butter and any animal or bug that liked milk or salt they ate it. Be careful what you put into your body...ok healthy preaching is over...

The idea that plastic is recyclable is questionable. Have you ever picked up that one plastic bag that has been "recycled" one too many times and it falls apart?

Anyway, back to my story. Growing up I loved the smell of incense. It was like magic. I would put it in a glass piggy bank and as the incense finished burning the stick would fall down into the glass piggy bank! Genius. I would put it on my window sill and  open my window...the air would fill with its fragrance...good times.

Well as a young person, I was on a low budget, basically because I had no money... there was no such thing as an, “allowance.” No, I was allowanced to live there, I was allowanced to eat food and allowanced to be taken care of....chores did not pay by the hour.

So, I was down to one last stick of incense. It had burned out the previous day. But I realized, upon further inspection that some of it had not burned. Hope! If I could just get that one stick out of the piggy bank I could burn it and... tada ...fragrance would live again, even if it were for a brief moment.  I really wanted that wonderful odor.

So, I took the glass piggy bank and shook it, turned it upside down and sideways, I was bummed. Then came the next idea! I lit matches one at a time hoping that they would reach the incense and burn the rest of it.  I had yet to take physics so I didn’t realize that fire needs oxygen to burn.  The match would fall into the glass and immediately go out. Bummer...

New idea! If I could light a piece of paper and get it into the piggy bank then it would light. Yes, I was a few bricks shy of a load in the edumacation department. The only paper I saw was tissue paper, (aka Kleenex). Tissue paper was a household staple because I had such bad allergies.  So, I lit the tissue and aimed it toward the piggy bank. Much to my surprise it burst into flames! What did my genius brain tell me to do nexy? Throw it on the carpet and blow on it. Have you ever seen what oxygen does to tissue paper? Do not try this!

So as its bursting into flames I scream. Yes, I guess I thought that if I screamed loud enough it would scare the fire out. That didn't happen, but it sure brought my mother running. She, Super Mom, grabs the burning tissue, puts it into my plastic trash can and runs with it to the bathtub. Well, as you can imagine, the trash can was pretty much worthless after its experience with fire and water.

So, as I was carefully choosing my next trash can I decided that metal would be the best preventative medicine in case I got any more bright ideas.

 We've all had moments when we felt like paper, plastic or metal.

When we've felt like  paper we knew what to do and the world knew what to do with us.. copacetic!

Then we've had moments when we felt like plastic : We felt used, recyclable and unattractive to anything natural.

Then there have been  moments when our metal was tested.: Everything around us was burning and we became the only safe place to put out the fire.

Of all of these products metal can withstand the most heat, but fire will leave its mark. When heated beyond its ability to cope, metal will melt.

Whatever stage of life you are in ask yourself, am I paper, plastic or metal right now?  All of these components have purpose, but every one of them also have melting points.  Lesson for the day, "Know your melting point and do not exceed recommended temperatures."

I write this to you today because my recommended temperatures were tested. I had to decide, do I accept what someone else says about me and wish that I no longer existed, or do I fight back and declare, "I AM HERE." So, I am here.... I hope you don't mind. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

I will always be honest in my blogs.


Unknown said…
Girl, I totally appreciate your honesty. Sometimes honesty does hurt because we don't always want to hear the truth. But I'd rather you be honest with me than to lie to"make" me feel better.

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