Oh, the humanity!

I don’t write about a God that I don’t know. I don’t use flowery words to talk about a detached being that knows everything and feels nothing. He is not made of paper, plastic or even metal. He was and still is flesh and bone. He is all God, but He is also all man.

I have met Him in my everyday life. I have felt His hand touch my cheek, I’ve heard Him whisper to me in my darkest hour. If that sounds strange to you just read the way David wrote about Him in the Bible. I’ve felt His tears roll down my face as we wept for those who do not know Him.

I’ve felt Him weep for those that claim to know Him. The world calls us hypocrites. If we portray ourselves as perfect or beyond reproach, of better than...then they are right. Jesus must be disturbed when He sees one of us  hurt the other.  His love is so great...amazing.

I have paid a price to tell you this. The price has been very high. Living for Him is not easy. I think that dying for Him would be easier. Only if I could comprehend spending eternity with Him. However, I must live. I must not be selfish and try to escape the distress of this world and the human condition.

I’ve had times that I’ve begged God to take me from this place and into His arms. Just ask me how I felt when there were tubes running down my throat or how it felt to be filled with heated radiation flowing through my belly. Ask me how it felt to have no way to communicate, no way to ask for water and no way to cry out in pain...Ask me about the times I vividly believed I was being burned alive because of the effects of the medications that were being used to save my life. Then ask me how I’ve felt His arms around me here on this earth. Ask me about feeling His presence when there was no hope. I’ve had to learn to trust that His arms are strong enough to hold me here...here with all my humanity.

Picture with me a field full of wildflowers. In that field you run to someone who absolutely loves you and is thrilled to see you. This is who Jesus is.. He’s the one that waits for you. I’ve felt His touch and warm embrace through the depths of hell.

When I was diagnosed with cancer He was there. When my car threw me into a house, He held me and kept me calm. During the divorce and all the times of loneliness I felt His presence.

He feels. He sees, He cares. I am not perfect. I can’t begin to explain His love. I don’t  pretend to understand why He doesn’t just step in and stop the pain. No, that’s too much for me to comprehend. But what I do know is that He loves....

When you come to the place where no one else understands, and you will, ( such is life), please call out to Him. Let Him reach you. Look beyond those who have failed you; the paper, plastic and even metal people around you and stand in awe of His humanity and His Diety.

He is kind. I can say this only because I’ve spent time with Him in the brightness of the morning and during the depths of the darkest night.

You probably won’t find anything funny in or about this blog, but my prayer is that you find Him. I pray that you feel His loving arms around you and hear Him whisper in your ear “ I love you. I know you don’t understand. The day will come when you will.”  But for this moment hold onto His hand and trust in His humanity knowing that He is also God. He feels., He’s real, He understands our humanity. Run to Him, he gets you.  We admit that He is God, let us also comprehend  that He is human and understands  Get to know Him because He loves...


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